“The path forward must include a rapid reassessment of our approach to Russian war in Ukraine. We must move beyond piecemeal sanctions which are not enforced and diplomatic condemnations to a cohesive strategy that leverages economic, diplomatic, and military tools to support Ukraine and deter further Russian aggression.

This strategy should be rooted in a clear understanding of the geopolitical landscape, drawing on historical precedents and contemporary analyses to navigate the complex dynamics at play.

Moreover, the West must recognize the importance of supporting those within Russia who continue to fight for democracy and human rights, despite the grave risks.

Right now the only country directly confronting Russia and fighting for democracy is Ukraine. The choice has never been more straightforward and clear.

The stakes extend far beyond the borders of Ukraine.” – Argues David Zaikin in his latest op-ed for Newsmax.


Zaikin: Ukraine Is the Last Bastion of Opposition to Putin