“As the Ukraine Peace Summit took place in Switzerland last month, the gathered countries contemplated potential peace. However, as nervous Russian President Vladimir Putin suggested a day before the meeting, the only way to end the war now is to allow him to draw borders as they currently stand. Yet, contrary to the Russian propagandist narratives alluding that parts of Ukraine such as Crimea have always been Russian, Crimea is Ukrainian. The argument lives on not only in the international law, but also in the minds of people, for it is the people in Crimea who are showing the greatest strides of resistance – 10 years into the Russian occupation.”

Monika Bickauskaite-Aleliune delves into the Crimean resistance in an article for Stars and Stripes. Read here: https://www.stripes.com/opinion/2024-07-02/crimea-still-ukraine-russian-occupation-14368055.html

Crimea is still Ukraine 10 years after Russian occupation